​The Seto Külävüü ‒ Literally, the "Seto Village Belt," Setomaa's main tourism route – winds like the undone belt of a traditional folk costume from one Seto village to another, leading is to special people and exciting places. This is like the backbone or axis of Setomaa, to which are fastened villages, churches, cafes, museums, and the like. One end of the Külavüü is at Võõpsu, Setomaa's northern gateway, and it winds through Värska and Saatse to Obinitsa and Meremäe, making knots through neighboring places -- like Tsiistre in Võrumaa -- and then ending at the Luhamaa border crossing. This imaginary line could also move forward through the historic heart of Setomaa, which is currently part of the Russian Federation.

. Värska talumuuseumi muuseumipood

Seto hinge ja armastusega kootud sokid ja labakud, helisevad hõbeehted ja uhked vanikud, r...


1. Võõpsu Orthodox Village Chapel

Võõpsu's village chapel, is located right next to Setomaa's northern gate -- the bridge ov...

History & Culture

2. Lüübnitsa Viewing Tower

Lüübnitsa is a Russian village in northern Setomaa on the coast of Lake Pskov. The local i...

Nature & Wildlife

3. Laossina's Village Chapel

Laossina's village chapel, is located in a medieval village cemetery that is still in use....

History & Culture

4. Podmotsa Village Chapel

Podmotsa Village Chapel is located in a small lakeside village in the middle of a medieval...

History & Culture

5. Inara Vanavalgõ Kohvitarõ toidu töötoad

Mikitamäe külas on üks vana maja, mis on saanud uue elu. Maja tegevused ja toimetamised on...

Food, drink & nightlife

6. Mikitamäe Orthodox village chapels

The square in front of Mikitamäe Culture House is called the square of Orthodox village ch...

History & Culture

7. Värska Spa

Värska Spa is unique in Estonia for its treatments. We offer revitalisation through natura...

Health & Wellness

Värska Mineral Water

For years, mineral rich, healing water has been extracted from several different wells in ...

9. Värska Church

Constructed of field stones and brick, Värska Orthodox Church has Saint George as its patr...

History & Culture

10. Värska Visitor Centre – Reek’s House

The Art Nouveau summer residence of General Nikolai Reek on the shores of Lake Õrsava is u...

History & Culture

11. Põhjalaager

Põhjalaager ehk täisnimetusega Eesti Kaitseväe Petseri Põhjalaager (II diviisi staap) raja...

History & Culture

12. Café Tsäimaja in the Värska Farm Museum

The Värska Farm Museum offers Seto national dishes from handmade clay dishes and plays Set...

Food, drink & nightlife

13. Värska Farm Museum

The Värska Farm Museum enables the visitors to learn about the farm architecture, old tool...

History & Culture

14. Õrsava Lake Hiking Trail

The Õrsava Lake Hiking Trail winds around the lake of the same name. The 5 km trail starts...

Nature & Wildlife

15. Treski Village Chapel

The tiny Treski tsässon, or Orthodox village chapel, can go unnoticed as you pass by it, t...

History & Culture

Värska Vesi

Most Estonians have heard of Värska mineral water. The mineral-rich, curative water is ext...

17. Laskevälja Bike Trail

This 43-kilometer-long bike trail is lined by the Mustoja kame field, forests, hills, salt...

Nature & Wildlife

18. Saatse Church

Saatse Church was completed in 1801. This congregation has been a mixed congregation of Se...

History & Culture

19. Saatse Seto Museum

Saatse Seto Museum was opened in the former schoolhouse on 25 July 1974. The museum was fo...

History & Culture

20. Toomemäe talu kodurestoran Maagõkõnõ

Saabolda külas Toomemäe talus tegutseb toimekas pere eesotsas perenaise Sirje Kruusamäega....

Food, drink & nightlife

21. God's Hill

Jumalamägi (God's Hill) is an ancient sacred place of the Setos. According to legend, this...

History & Culture

22. Old Jüri`s Soap Chamber

Old Jüri`s Soap Chamber is one special place. Silver Hüdsi, the first and only male soapma...


23. Lõunalaagri hiking trail

The 1.8 km Lõunalaagri hiking trail is located in the former South Camp area of the Estoni...

Nature & Wildlife

24. Piusa Caves Visitor Centre

Piusa Caves Visitor Centre houses a museum, a seminar room for 50 people, a café and a han...

History & Culture

25. Piusa Pottery ceramics studio

Piusa Pottery is a ceramics studio open to the public. Visitors can watch traditional, as ...

History & Culture

26. Obinitsa Church and Cemetery

Obinitsa Church was built deep in the Soviet era: 1952, when the country was led by Comrad...

History & Culture

27. Lauluema kuju

Obinitsa paisjärve kõrgel kaldal seisab kivist Seto lauluema kuju. See on mälestusmärk kõi...

History & Culture

28. Cafe Taarka Tarõ

With a cozy and pleasant interior, Taarka Tarõ Köögikõnõ in Obinitsa is a true heart of Se...

Food, drink & nightlife

29. Seto Studio-Gallery

A permanent exhibition of older and contemporary Seto art and folk art is on display in th...

History & Culture

30. Härma walls in the Piusa river ancient valley

The Upper Härma Wall, also known as Keldri wall, is Estonia's highest Devonian sandstone o...

Nature & Wildlife

31. Piusa River valley hiking trail

The total length of the hiking trail in the primeval valley of the Piusa River is 15 km fr...

Nature & Wildlife

32. Obinitsa Museum

The Obinitsa Museum offers an opportunity to learn about the unique history and culture of...

History & Culture

33. Tobrova Village Chapel

The small wooden Tobrova tsässon on the right side of the Tobrova-Küllätüvä road looks lik...

History & Culture

34. Serga Village Chapel

There is a small village chapel near the Estonian-Russian border, which the locals call a ...

History & Culture

35. Meremäe Viewing Tower

The Meremäe Viewing Tower is located between Meremäe village and Vastseliina Castle on Mer...

Nature & Wildlife

36. Entertainment centre in the Vastseliina Episcopal Castle

The medieval entertainment centre of Vastseliina Episcopal Castle is a place full of legen...

History & Culture

37. Meeksi Church

Miikse Orthodox Church was built, just like the Obinitsa Church, in 1952, during Stalin's ...

History & Culture

38. Hiking trails at Lake Kirikumäe

Kirikumäe's 3.2-km-long hiking trail winds around the lake of the same name, which is know...

Nature & Wildlife

39. Luhamaa Church

Just a bit north of the Riga-Pskov highway stands the Luhamaa Church, on the highest hill ...

History & Culture

40. Piiri Café

Piiri Café is located in the village of Luhamaa in Võru County, on the Estonian-Russian bo...

Food, drink & nightlife

41. Nopri Farm Shop

In essence, Nopri Farm Shop is a self-service shop where most of the local products are re...


42. Pullijärve hiking trail

Located next to the community of Misso, Pullijärv is a nice place to spend some time.  If ...

Nature & Wildlife

43. Andri-Peedo Farm Shop

The farmers of Andri-Peedo farm started raising goats in 2009, and in 2017, the most moder...


Psrykov-Caves Monaste

From a small group of cave-dwelling monks in the 15th century has developed the spiritual ...

Pechory Varvara Church

Setos have their own church in Pechory: the small wooden Varvara Church, which is dedicate...

Tailovo Church

Tailovo Orthodox Church is a special place for many Setos now living in Estonia, as a larg...

Irboska Castle

According to legend, Irboska dates back to the founding of the Russian state: in 862, thre...

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